Sunday, May 06, 2007

Skype Rhymes with Hype. But it's actually cool.

Ever notice that all the good user names are gone? Apparently, someone else using Skype also likes the name “Fennoscandia.”

Skype video, by the way, is weird. That’s my assessment to all you who have probably been using it happily and unfazedly for years now. But it is weird. When you’re finished staring at your husband’s pleasing, albeit grainy face (so far he’s the only person I’ve called, so I can’t imagine anyone else there) and the call ends, it’s so decisive. The face just zaps from the screen—poof. Fortunately, he was in the other room alive and well with his laptop during the call and was content that it all went according to plan, and strode out into the kitchen in a ho-hum-I-just-set-up-some-rad-new-technology-thing-and-it-works sort of way. Yeah, future!

1 comment:

Steph said...

Domo arigato, Mister Roboto!