Saturday, September 30, 2006

Sleepy Hollow

Last weekend we rented a car and drove upstate, where we happened upon the village of Sleepy Hollow and its churchyard cemetery. A sign out front promised a Halloween reading of the "Legend," and inside the cemetery, we found Washington Irving's tombstone, where I risked my clean criminal record leaping over a low, locked gate to snap a picture. Oh, and just so you know, I tried to persuade the headless horseman to pose, but he thinks he's unphotogenic.

On a way more serious note, I was really moved by the cemetery. Some of the 18th and 19th century graves are passionate and terrible (in the old King James sense of the word) in a way that stoic, contemporary stones just can't touch.


Anna said...

Wow, how beautiful... Is it strange that I didn't really know that Sleepy Hollow was a real town? I'm a bad English major... ha.

victor said...

Amazing and beautiful photos. I bet people are just dying to get in there.